Thursday, July 23, 2009


So, yo, yeah if this title needs any further explanation the super wonderful spanish posse at pirata in London has designed me a sexy new site that incorporates the blog. Please go there for all your ping pong news. And, you know what, there is A LOT OF PING PONG news. Issue 2 out soon, honest.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Obama in Ping Pong Bung

There have been a few stories about Obama helping Killerspin with obtain a $320k grant. Good on him I say. I already posted a while back that the Obama girls like to play, so I am sure he plays too. The way I see it most politicians, presidents, even get caught doing far worse things.

Obama if you are reading this, CPP needs a table for the next CPP Tournament in Williamsburg. Yours in HOPE.