Sunday, April 12, 2009

Across the Pond Ping Pong

I made a little movie showing two days of my life. I was back in London working. I was going to say that it's not a particularly typical representation of my normal days being a Creative Director but actually I don't know what a typical day is anymore. Projects are blurred, work becomes plays, play becomes work.
There are two ping pong references for ya'll. Firstly I set a creative brief for students entering the Young Creatives Network competition to promote our favourite sport. There are some images from some of the entries - most of which were great.
Secondly there is a brief clip of the Bud Light hard bat classic tournament I played in Brooklyn. It's great that Bud Light are promoting the sport but to be honest the event was pretty lame. They could have promoted it a lot more.
So in one day I did two ping pong things - one in London, one in New York. That's how we roll.

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